After completing BSC in Biology from Baptist University in 2010, Heidi embarked in her career as a veterinary assistant. She...
Kelvin So
Kelvin is one of the original members of the clinic, from inception back in 2014. He has been a veterinary...
After completing BSC in Biology from Baptist University in 2010, Heidi embarked in her career as a veterinary assistant. She...
Kelvin is one of the original members of the clinic, from inception back in 2014. He has been a veterinary...
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Hong Kong Pet hospital,Hong Kong veterinary hospital,Pet Dogs healthcare hospital,Pet Cats hospital,Hong Kong Pet Treatment institution,Pet care in Hong Kong,香港獸醫,香港寵物醫院,香港寵物診所,香港獸醫診所,Vet hong kong,Vet hospital,Veterinary clinic,Veterinary care